Welcome to Saint Joseph Bienvenido a San José

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Conrad Jaconette

Diaconate Ordination

Saturday, January 4th, 2024


Saint Stephen Cathedral - Owensboro, KY


Mass Times

Weekend Masses

Horario de Misas

Saturday Vigil (English):  4 pm

Sunday (English):  8 am & 10 am

Domingo (Español): 12 pm & 2 pm

Weekday Masses

Horario de Misas Diaras

Monday, Wednesday,

Thursday, & Friday (English)  7 am

Tuesday (English)  5:30 pm

Jueves (Español)  6:30 pm

First Saturday (English)  8:30 am



Tuesday | Martes:  4:15 pm - 5:15 pm

Thursday | Jueves:  5 pm - 6 pm

Saturday | Sabado:  2 pm - 3:30 pm

(or by appointment)

Our Mission

nuestro Misión

As members of the Roman Catholic Church, Jesus Christ is the foundation for everything we do. The people of St. Joseph Parish are called to worship together, evangelize to the community, and minister to those in need as we strive to reach eternal salvation with Christ. 

Como miembros de la Iglesia Católica Romana, Jesucristo es el fundamento de todo lo que hacemos. Las personas de la Parroquia San José están llamados a venerar juntos, evangelizar a la comunidad y atender a los necesitados mientras nos esforzamos por alcanzar la salvación con Cristo.

Interested in Becoming Catholic?

If you feel God inviting you to come Home to the Catholic Church at Saint Joseph, we invite you to continue the journey by sending us a message at the following link:

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